Learn about the brief description of Fundamentals of Computers and Information Technology. This is a basic computer course for beginners in the computer world and internet world to know about what is computer, what are the parts of computers, what is the functioning of each part of the computer, understanding about what is Hardware, What is Software and most important what is People ware, Know About the Dos Operating systems and GUI Operating systems, what is the difference between those and what are the benefits of both kinds of operating systems. Learn about the way of working of a CPU “Central Processing Unit”. Memory unit of Computer, What is Ram, What is Rom, What parts we need to assemble a Computer System. Learn about the Input Devices of the Computer and Output Devices of a Computer System. What are their functions? How many kinds of Input and Output devices we have in present. How many kinds of Printer we have what are their uses and benefits and also the loses. In Sho...