

A Computer Network or Data Network is a communication network which allows the users to exchange data between two or more computer systems. In Computer Networks, devices exchange data with each other using Data Links. The Connection between two or more devices established by cables or the wireless devices. The best example of the networking is Internet.

Networking is very useful for our computer systems. We can use one output device with various number of computer systems like “printers, scanners, speakers” etc. Networking is working on Nodes. Node is a physical point in networking.

A Physical Network Node Can be a Network Device Like “Routers, Modems, Switches” Etc. This Physical Node is Capable to Receive, transmitting or Sending Data or Signals or Information over a Communication Channel. Two Devices can be said as a Network if they able to transmit data and information in between them, either they connected with each other or not.

Computer Networks Facilitates the Consumers to communication with each other efficiently and easily with E-mails, instant Messaging etc. by the computer networks we can do our work easily and fast.


There are many kinds of networking which we called topologies also, some of the following…

Ø  Bus Topology
Ø  Ring Topology
Ø  Star Topology

In these topologies computer systems connected to each other with different ways on the basis of requirement. Normally Bus Topology is used to connect two computers easily. Ring and Star Topologies are used to connect multiple computers like in an organization or School/College.

Enjoy Full Journey with us!


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